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Advanced Explorations in Pure Mathematics **Angel Viera, Author**

In "Advanced Explorations in Pure Mathematics," Angel Viera, a scholar in Mathematics, offers an extensive and comprehensive guide through the intricate and captivating world of pure mathematics. This book is meticulously designed for students, educators, and researchers who aspire to delve deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of mathematics and seek to achieve higher education in this profound field.

Covering a broad spectrum of topics, from foundational principles to cutting-edge research areas, this book is structured into 100 meticulously crafted chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific area of pure mathematics. Each chapter have 4 sections, ensuring a thorough understanding of essential concepts and facilitating advanced study and research.

Advanced Explorations in Pure Mathematics.pdf


    Angel Viera: Master of Portals, is a versatile Author who explores a wide array of genres

    ©2009/2023 by Angel Viera, Author. 

    Author's Genre. fiction - Adventure - Real Life Dramas - Novels 

    Self-help - Fantasy - Romance - Magical Realism

    Fantasy with coming of age themes - Educational fiction

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